This’ll be a short post, but on this snowy Friday I’m even more aware of a pattern I’ve noticed in the past several years. Sometime during the week after Halloween (maybe it’s coming down from sugar rush?) I’m just done. Done planning, done hustling, done starting up things, building things…all of it. My creative energy goes on simmer, and the flame threatens to go out.
Where I used to a) worry and b) make myself keep on keeping on, now I take it as a sign that I’m subject to the seasonal cycles just as much as the rest of the natural world. The trees are bare, the birds and animals are doing the bare minimum, and the monarch butterflies that were everywhere in August are on their way to Mexico.
So it’s ok just to put on my teakettle, light a candle, write a little something here, and notice that I have five books between me and a few weeks off. It’ll all get done, and it’s ok to rest.
As I write this, Twitter seems to be in its final spiral btw…figured I’d put something new here and see what comes of it. Not sure yet how I want to use this platform but…well, I suppose I just did.