A very smart person once helped me solve a problem that sometimes happens when I travel for work. I want to connect with book world folks and I want to get out and see the sights. This person told me “I just say hey, I was about to go _____. Come with me!”
Next month I’ll be in the UK for the London Book Fair. Since I have a few days for exploring before the fair gets underway, I’ve chosen Bath. It has a rich history going back to pre-Roman times, and it’s also the site of the Jane Austen Centre.
I’d love to learn more about Jane Austen, love walking tours, have always wanted to sit down for an actual afternoon tea, and of course browsing in a bookshop is perfect any day. All of these have now been combined into the itinerary for March 8, 2025, and you’re invited! Feel free to share this flyer with anyone you think might get a kick out of spending the day with us. Cheers!
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